An open source archive
School and academic papers are difficult to access or disappear in the archives of the institutions. Spicker bridges this gap and offers works or studies written as an open source archive as well as tips and specialist literature in the form of short podcasts. has been online since July 2019.

Work, studies and projects
Registered users
Companies, institutions, organizations
Visitors per month
What Spicker offers you
If you have a written assignment due, you can quickly and easily search for content: here you can find studies, surveys, authors, experts and valuable tips on writing different types of coursework.
Upgrade your own LinkedIn profile with Spicker: If you post your work (as abstract / summary) on Spicker, you can attach the link in your LinkedIn profile, thereby increasing the attractiveness of your LinkedIn profile. Additionally, it facilitates networking with Spicker’s partners.
Spicker is a bridge builder: Any company, institution or organisation providing studies and support benefits from the accumulated knowledge and innovation of the younger generation. It can present itself as a steppingstone, future employer, supporter or client.
We are spickers...
It's a shame: hundreds, even thousands of young people in education write their final school exams, bachelor and other papers every year. Often out into the blue. Hardly anyone sees them, they gather dust in drawers or disappear in the archives of the respective institutions. The fact that these theses could be of concrete use has rarely been considererd and widely ignored so far. This is a great waste of intellectual resources and an untenable situation for a knowledge society. We are here to change this.
This is a great waste of intellectual resources and an untenable situation for a knowledge society. We are here to change this. Spicker is a start-up initiative of the long-standing business journalist Stefan Schuppli and the start-up entrepreneur Jonas Schwarz. The Prospicker association, founded in 2019, supports the activities of ideally and is its formal financing instrument.
In September 2019 the Prospicker association was founded. It supports activities and the financing of Spicker.

Jonas Schwarz and Stefan Schuppli, founders of